Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Television Addiction Essay - 1004 Words

nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Staring at the Reflection of Empty Space nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;For roughly sixty years television has been a part of most Americans lives. For some, it is mainly a source of information. For others, television takes on a much more significant role. Many Americans spend hours of their daily life in front of the tube, but are the people entwined in the plot of the average sit com., or are they trapped by the clutches of perpetual, mind- numbing entertainment. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Addiction is a strong word. It is now even considered a disease. It conjures up images of a ruthless person, willing to kill for his next fix, or the angry drunk, tearing apart his family with his problem. Millions†¦show more content†¦Many could not complete this period of abstinence.quot;(Kubey) This is another disturbing fact. What if the power goes out? Are people going to be damned to an hour of social interaction. This fact would also lead to a belief that there are withdrawals to television use, otherwise people would have little problem turning off the television for a week. It seems that television would fit within the boundaries of addiction as it is defined. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;As we digress the harmful effects of television are going to be more aperient. First off, many young people are literally quot;raisedquot; by television. With the rise of two income families, and single parent families there is less time for parents to acknowledge the day to day problems of their children. This leaves them open to manipulation from the ideas of television. Whether about sex, drugs, or what style of clothes to wear. What is worse is the strength of advertising in the media. With improved techniques for attention grabbing, such as several scenes cut together quickly to pull in viewers subconsciously, they are more effectively captivating audiences. Also, with the amount of time watching television there is a lot time watching commercials. This adds up to hundreds of mixed messages on what you need to buy or do to be happy, leaving the viewer so confused that they are ready to do what television says. Next is the aspect of always being entertain ed. When you areShow MoreRelated television addiction Essay1578 Words   |  7 Pages Addicted to Television nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; The temptations that can disrupt human life are often caused by pure indulgences. That which we most desire may ultimately harm and destroy us. For example, no one has to drink alcohol. Realizing when a diversion has gotten out of control, such as alcohol, is one of the greatest challenges of life. These excessive cravings do not necessarily involve physical substances. 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