Thursday, February 28, 2019

American Music of the New Millennium

unison creates invigorating environments and atmospheres in nightclubs, homes, churches, picnics, cars and e realwhere else on this planet. Music industry attracts creative, imaginative minds who has the capability of developing ideas that fascinates everyone. Many days ago, medication consisted of one category, classical. From classical, Jazz, Blues, Ragtime, pit and Roll, protrude, belt were invented. The euphony bringing in the most money atomic number 18 the harmony that collars up with the authentic trends. This type of unison has a bigger audience. Today, we have several music types that can be divided into popular classifications.Updated audio technology enhances sounds of notes played, harmonise progressions and vocal techniques more distinctively. Music appealing to popular cultures consistently changes with actual trends. Todays popular music categories appealing to materialization generations, staying with up-to-date trends can be classified as whang or R ap, Pop, or progressive circle and Blues. Popular artists such as Kayne West, Hurricane Chris and 50 centime play music classified as Hip-Hop or Rap. Jazz, Rock and Roll, mixed with international African Drumming and Latino cultures shaped the spirit of Hip-Hop.Hip-Hops paint is formed by constant heavily accented beatniks and strong notes. The constant backbeat defining Rock and Roll carried over to Hip-Hop. Hip-Hop arranges the instruments to put stronger emphases on the backbeat, creating an atmosphere of invigoration and energy. Teen music audiences be vibrant and energetic. We could say that music perception is measured and studied as though it is the ability to perceive features of music (Dorrel, 2006). Heavy accents on instrumentality intrigue young music audiences. Energetic rhythms, provided by percussion atomic number 18 y step uph oriented, and are easily perceived by young people.Hip-Hop in the future may become faster, have many more rhythms play simultaneously , and become more integrated with other nations. The number of notes written into Hip-Hops tuneful scores result increase. There is a mod dance trend popularized by Hip-Hop (and Madonna) c tout ensembleed Krumping. Hip-Hop music steadily influences development of new dance styles, both in the studios and in the nightclubs. separate artists of another division of the pop music classification are Fergie, Rihanna and Gwen Stefani. Pop music sometimes follows the same time signatures as Hip-Hop.The duration of the accents, absolute frequencys and pitches are comparable to Hip-Hops style. Identical Hip-Hop sheet music may be used for pop. The emphases on the instruments defines the difference. Pop artists singing voices are more accented, above the percussion. The audible focus emphasize different instruments. electronic instruments (Keyboard, Organ) are express while percussions provide the steady ongoing pulse. As time progresses, all popular music notes and rhythms travel and frequency increase. For underway music trends to stay on top of the music field, they must constantly create new themes, new overall tonalitys.One of the changes inevitably approach along is the ways music is brought to us. Music testament be available through radios, devices requiring serve well contracts without downloadable device and project shows. Artists will start touring more or provided agreeing to restore albums requiring a service contract. There will be more competition to create stupefy shows. The artists will have to make it (concert) memorable. Give them ups and downs, highs and lows, mix the comfortable with the unthought (Elmy, 2003). In the new millennium, pop bands may be putting shows unneurotic with rap bands.The final classification of music is Rhythm and Blues. Some Rhythm and Blues singers are Beyonce, Janet Jackson and Ciara. The melody and electronic instruments are emphasized in R&B. Musical theatre, Jazz and Big Band influenced R&B. Dancing, and types of dancing defined and characterized Musical Theatre, Jazz, Big Band. In todays R&B videos, artists uses distinctive dance styles. In Rihannas video, umbrella (also R&B), you can see the Fosse technique in her alone dancing, specifically from All That Jazz. Future Rhythm and Blues will keep back return to its roots from Big Band and Jazz, which was played in musical theatres.Popular music, is music appealing to the average ages from children to late twenties. Children are never to young to become a fan of popular music produced by the music industry. Some two year olds love Hurricane Chris and KISS. The artists appealing to younger generations may be any age. Record labels executives are conducting superior music business to appeal to younger people. The music trends constantly change, forever inventing ways to hold audiences with short attention spans. If music shows are designed to hold the attention of ADD five years old, it will sure hold adult audiences.When applyin g for an executive position, the straightlaced interview rules no perennial apply. Its no accident labels are hiring producers. These guys have the sense to stay on top of market changes and deliver gross sales. Youve definitely gotta hire psyche whos going to bring a little more electrical capacity to what people are doing nowadays, because if you dont, youre going to get pushed out of the race (Marshall, 2007). Future of music will bring more discovery techniques including improvement of vocal quality, musical arrangements of songs, and recording technology. Artists are now refusing to make albums.Madonna recently left her lifetime record label, Warner Brothers because Live Nation promotes concert tours. These live performances will likely eliminate any music sales to individuals. Legitimate businesses are going to be the primary purchasers of hard copies of music. Today, only dance studios with 2000 students purchase the required licenses to play and use copyrighted music. T he low-toneder dance studios do not abide with these laws. Artists advantage to producing music is presently getting eliminated. The reality shows, American Idol, Dancing With the Stars can be very misleading.Why is Paula Abdul no longer singing and making albums, since she is a bridge to music contracts? Younger people may lack money to purchase all favorite tunes. However, the cost of getting music to them costs a small fortune. The popular music can currently be divided into tether classifications. The most creative people combined Rhythm and Blues coming from classic musical theatre, jazz and blues originating in 1920s and marketed current popular cultures. Notes Elmy, T. (2003, May). Playing Live How To Structure A Kick-Ass Set. Canadian Musician, 25(3), 60. Retrieved November 17, 2007,from pedantic Search Complete database. http//search. ebscohost. com/login. aspx? direct= rightful(a)&db=a9h&AN=10303241&site=ehost-live Phillip Dorrel, (2006 October 15) Music Perception Wh at Is It That We Perceive When We Perceive Music? Retrieved November 17, 2007 http//www. 1729. com/blog/MusicPerception. html Marshall, S. (2007, February 26). symphony LABELS NEW LEADERS. Crains New York Business, 23(9), 1-8. Retrieved November 17, 2007, from Regional Business News database. http//search. ebscohost. com/login. aspx? direct=true&db=bwh&AN=24351670&site=ehost-live

Global Business Essay

Today 6e by Charles W. L. Hill Chapter 1 globoseisation Introduction In the earthly concern economy today, we see fewer equanimous case economies with high barriers to cross-border trade and investment a more coordinated global economic system with lower barriers to trade and investment almost $4 trillion in foreign exchange transactions victorious place everyday (in 2012) over $18. 2 trillion of goods and some $3. 5 trillion of services being sold across subject area borders the memorial tablet of international institutions ttp//www. ge. com/ http//www. ikea. com/ Chapter 1 globalization Effects of globalization can be seen everywhere the cars race drive the food people eat the jobs where people work the clothes people wear Chapter 1 globalization WHAT IS globalisation? globalisation refers to the shift towards a more integrated and interdependent world economy. Two key facets the globalization of markets the globalization of production Chapter 1 orbicular ization The Globalization of Markets /14/2013 1 7 8 9 Globalization of markets the fact that in many industries historically distinct and separate national markets are merging into one huge global marketplace in which the tastes and preferences of consumers in different nations are beginning to converge upon some global norm. Examples Smart Phones (iPhone, Android, etc. ) + Apps Coca-Cola/ Starbucks- McDonalds hamburgers Apple iPad/ Samsung Tablet- IKEA furniture Chapter 1 Globalization The Globalization of ProductionGlobalization of production the tendency among many firms to spring goods and services from different locations around the globe to take advantage of national differences in the cost and quality of factors of production (such as land, labor, capital, and energy), thereby allowing them to grapple more effectively against their rivals. Exampleshttp//www. vizio. com/ BoeingLenovoVizio (B787 65% outsourced) (design US case, keyboard, HD Thailand http//www. oeing. com/n ewairplane/display, memory S. Korea Wi-Fi Malaysia assy Mex. ) http//www. lenovo. com/planetwide/select/selector. html Chapter 1 Globalization THE EMERGENCE OF GLOBAL INSTITUTIONS Global institutions help manage, regulate, and police the global market place promote the composition of multinational treaties to govern the global business system General concord on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) after WWII Chapter 1 Globalization 2/14/2013 2

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Dante’s Inferno: Sixth Circle of Hell

Dantes Inferno Sixth Circle of funny farm Every evil deed despised in Heaven has as its end injustice. Each such end harms some iodine else through either force or fraud (Alighieri XI 22-24). In his divine comedy, The Inferno, Dante Alighieri cruises well-nigh the different cockroachs of hell. Virgil, a poet and a good friend of Dantes, becomes Dantes manoeuver in hell. Trough out the poem, the reader encounters certain moments of tension in which he or she is forced to choose a direction to follow. In Canto XI, Virgil and Dante call up themselves in the sixth carousel of hell circle of strength.Virgil thus explains to Dante that there are three inner circles emphasis against others, violence against self, and fraud. In the second inner circle, the circle of suicide or violence against self, Virgil and Dante find a deserted forest with twisted weird looking trees. These trees are the people who reside in that circle. Here, the reader is presented with people who have affil iated suicide because of hardships in their lives. The reader is then presented with the opportunity to either discover sorry and justify their suicide or find their placement in hell a just penalty.In the second inner circle, violence against self, Dante and Virgil meet one of the residents. His name was pier Delle Vigne, a former rector of Emperor Frederick II. bobtail, then, tells Virgil and Dante that reason why he committed suicide was because grasping groups schemed him, turned the Emperor against him, destroyed his reputation, and put him in prison he was similarly ashamed and decided to take his life. Dante feels sorry for him, because he too understands the importance of a good reputation.At this point the reader is offered the see to agree with Dante and feel sorry for Pier, or completely disagree. Life is one of the greatest gifts from God, keeping this in mind suicide would be denying or not appreciating that gift. Everyone in hell is there because in one repres entation or another they denied and committed a sin against God. Regardless of what others did to him, Pier denied God, so one can come to the conclusion that his positioning in hell is just. In the contrary, life or God does not give out you more(prenominal) than you can handle. All the alse accusations made against Pier were obviously more than what he could handle, so one could feel sorry for him and justify his suicide. So it is up to the reader to choose one of the two possible opportunities that Dante the poet presents to us. In Dantes divine comedy, The inferno, the reader is offered with many occasions where he or she is must choose a direction to follow. In the sixth circle of hell, the circle of violence, Virgil explains that there are three inner circles circle of violence against others, circle of violence against self, and the circle of fraud.In the second inner circle Dante and Virgil meet Pier Delle Vigne. After listening to his story and explanation onto why he too k his life, the reader had the option of agreeing with Dante and feeling sorry for Piers justified action or find Piers punishment just. Life is a gift of God, so taking ones life is committing a sin against God which will make Piers punishment just. This conclusion could be made if the reader believes in God.

Of Mice And Men Lonliness Essay

Of Mice And work force is a impertinent written by John Steinbeck during 1937. The novel is ground on the continues of deuce characters George Milton and Lennie Small. Other characters in this novel be sweeten, Curley, Curleys married woman, Slim, Crooks, Carlson, Whit, The Boss and aunt Clara. In these characters, t present are cardinal women however, unless one of them is seen in the novel as aunt Clara is introduced beat(p) and the exclusively distaff we see is Curleys wife whose name we seizet know throughout the whole novel. We only see her as Curleys wife. out-of-pocket to this, some people think that Of Mice And men is a get down novel.In this novel, most of the characters are lonely and are alone. The loneliest person in the novel is Curleys wife because she is the only female in the novel and so, to reduce the loneliness, she goes to the cattle ranch and flirt with them by ask Any you boys seen Curley? After lodgeting the answer, She s aliked still in the doorway, smiling a little at them. From this quote we can see that she has come here for something else and not to ask for Curley because she still stood there smiling at them.She knew where Curley was. cerebrate I dont know where they all went? Even Curley. If she already knew that, why would she come here to ask them? This is due to the loneliness she has to stomach alone because whenever Curley is there, he Spends all his time sayin what hes gonna do to guys he dont like. From this quote finally, we know that she is lonely, she is the only female and the only one she can burble to is Curley but, he is too busy with his avouch thing. So, she comes here to flirt with them.Due to loneliness, Curleys wife get a chance to talk to Lennie and she prepares her meeting with Lennie. Ill talk to you later. I like machines. This shows that she got a chance to talk to him because we never knew that she likes machine, and by her saying this, we know that immediately that she just call for s to only talk to him and she has no likes or dislikes with machines, she just said that out of the blue because when edulcorate helpless his hand while using the machine, we didnt hear Curleys wife inspecting some it So this shows that she was telling lies.Her loneliness was the cause of her death. She was still, for Lennie had broken her neck. If she didnt organise the meeting with him, she wouldve been alive. She not knowing what Lennie can do, held his hand and ordain it on her head. However, as he is huge as a bear, his fingers are also like bears claws so, his hand got stuck in her hair and not wanting, he killed her by shaking her violently.The death of animals is common in the novel. It starts with Lennie caress the mouse. youve broke it favouritetin it Later Candys dog started to stink and so no one liked it and Carlson killed it. A shot sounded in the distance. When Candys dog died, Slim gave him a puppy and the puppy gets killed by Lennie unknowingly because he cant control his power as he is described to be as strong as a bull. This makes the novel to be depressing because it isnt the animals fault to get killed, why do they get killed? What is their fault? The mouses get killed because Lennie like to pet them and the puppy gets killed because Lennie stroked it for fun. This makes the reader feel that the animals got killed without any reason and so, it really makes the reader feel sad.The death of Curleys Wife, puppy and the mouses are agreeable of think together because the cause of their death is Lennie. He likes to pet and stroke the things which he feel nice and he did that the each one of these. Lennie is exceptionally tendinous but, he never realises his strength. He thinks that everyone is like him-strong. He predominantly tries to candidature away from from problems however, he always does something wrong for which he gets into hot urine by George.We see many people day-dreaming close their next but, most of them dont actuall y light upon it.Candys dream was to go through someone with him. He even says that Id make a will an leave my share to you guys in sideslip I kick off. This would make them a real good partnership but, the death of Curleys wife ruined it because now, he knew that George and Lennies intimacy is gone so, the dream will be demolished as well. On the other hand, Crooks is the only black person working on the ranch but, he isnt happy because his only friends are books which isnt enough. He wants someone with him too. If some guy was with me, he could tell me I was asleep, an then(prenominal) it would be all right. This shows that although he has his own fashion and stuff, he feels lonely. He wants someone to be with him too like others and just because he is black, no one is with him and he doesnt like it.Crooks and Candy are kind of two sides of a coin because both of them have their position.Crooks has his own room and barn and Candy has two hundred and fifty dollars. Both of th em want someone with them who they can talk to. Crooks is the only black person and Candy is the only person with a broken hand. Their dream is same as well.George and Lennie getting apart is also another reason why this novel is depressing. George kills Lennie which was really unexpected. The crash of the shot rolled up the hills and rolled peck again. This was when Lennie was killed by George. This was the real sadness in the story. If you imagine two take ins brought up together, lived together and worked together and then one of them kills the other, you would hate that person. Lennie was idea about his rabbits, his dreams were welcoming him and George killed him out of the blue. This made the reader feel as sad as staying in a prison for his whole life. Due to this, three peoples dreams died. Candy wont live peacefully with someone, Lennie wont get to tend the rabbits and George wouldnt have his own cropsAs when goodness goes, badness comes, Georges one dream died but the ot her formed. Near the start of the novel, we find out about Georges dream which was I could get along so light and so nice if I didnt have you on my seat is successful. He got rid of him and now, he can work on his own without even taking care of anyone. He can live peacefully forever.In conclusion, I really agree that Of Mice And Men is a depressing novel. I couldnt even imagine that someone was so sozzled to its dream and couldnt achieve it just because one of them did something wrong. They were on the environ of achieving their dream suddenly at the eleventh hour, it flies away because Lennie killed Curleys wife. This teaches us that you should start to get the thing right when you are kid or else you can get into really hot water when you are older. No one get their dreams except the dream which was useless tight the end because George never wished that later on when he was thinking about his new dream. Curleys wife was like the key in the novel. She was the only female and because of her getting lonely all this occurred and so, no one could achieve their dream.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Triple X Syndrome

Tracie Emmerich Professor Debbie Seale biological science 101 TR, 830-1130 am 3/6/2012 multiply X Syndrome twofold X Syndrome is a sex chromo most abnormality in which there atomic number 18 three X chromosomes instead of the usual both found in around females. Triple X Syndrome is also cognize as Trisomy X, Triplo X Syndrome, and XXX Syndrome. The first published report of a woman with a karyotype with a 47, XXX was by Patricia A. Jacobs in 1959 at a hospital in Scotland. Most people countenance 46 chromosomes, occurring in 23 pairs. These chromosomes contain genes, which carry instructions that determine eachthing from your vertex to your eye color.One of these chromosome pairs determines your sex. You tempt 1 sex chromosome from your find and a nonher from your father. Your m some opposite eject give you only an X chromosome, but your father give the gate pass on an X or a Y chromosome. If you receive an X chromosome from your father, the XX pair makes you genetic exclusivelyy a female. Females with Triple X syndrome have a three X chromosome. Triple X syndrome ordinarily settlements from an error in the formation of a m otherwises egg cell or a fathers sperm cell. Some epochs, common chord X syndrome occurs as a result of an error early in the embryos development.Although this condition is genetic, its typic ally not inherited. Instead, what unremarkably happens is that either the mothers egg cell or the fathers sperm cell has not formed correctly, resulting in an extra X chromosome. This hit-or-miss error in egg or sperm cell division is called nondisjunction. Nondisjunction is a random all the samet and is not caused by anything either of the babys p atomic number 18nts did or by any medications they whitethorn have taken. When the cause is a malformed egg cell or sperm cell, as is usually the case, all the bodys cells have the extra chromosome.In the mosaic form, only some of the bodys cells have the third X chromosome. Because o nly some cells contain the extra X chromosome, females with the mosaic form of trine X syndrome whitethorn have less wicked symptoms. Triple X Syndrome occurs in about 1 out of every 1,000 girls born in the United States. It is estimated that between five and ten girls argon born with the condition each day. As farthest as it is cognize, the syndrome is equally common in all racial and ethnic groups. The only known risk factor is the mothers age.Women who ar 35 eld old or older when they become pregnant are at an increased risk of having a daughter with Triple X Syndrome. Because of the lyonization, (the operation by which or the condition in which all X chromosomes of the cells in excess of one are inactivated on a random buns )inactivation and formation of a Barr body, in all female cells, only one X chromosome is active at any time. Thus, Triple X syndrome most often causes no unusual physical features or medical problems. If symptoms do appear, they may entangle 1. Tal l stature Taller than other girls and women in the family 2.Small target (microcephaly) Microcephaly is a medical condition in which the circumference of the school principal is keener than normal because the brain has not developed properly or has stopped growing. Microcephaly can be present at nascency or it may develop in the first few old age of life. 3. Slightly lower weight at birth 4. Epicanthal folds An epicanthal fold is disrobe of the upper eyelid from the nose to the inner(a) side of the eyebrow that covers the inner corner (canthus) of the eye 5. Delayed development of certain(prenominal) motor skills, name and address and language 6.Although seldom exhibiting severe mental impairments, Triple X Syndrome females have an increased risk of learning disabilities such as dyslexia, delayed speech, deficient language skills and delayed development of motor skills. It is possible that learning disabilities and/or delayed development could eventually lead to a variet y of other issues, including academic problems, stress, and poor socialization skills that cause social isolation. 7. Weak ponderosity tone and delayed motor skills poor coordination, awkwardness 8. Menstrual irregularities 9. change magnitude rick of depression 10. Less assertive and quieter than most girls 1. Intelligence (IQ) may be slightly lower than that of other girls and women in the family although mental awkwardness is unusual. 10-15 points below siblings. Other possible, though much rarer, complications that may occur include 1. Premature ovarian failure or ovary abnormalities. When the ovaries stop working in the beginning the expected age of menopause, theres a decline in the production of certain hormones and eggs are no longer released by the ovaries each month. This can cause infertility. Additionally, girls and women with triple X syndrome may have malformed ovaries. 2. Seizures.Girls and women with triple X syndrome may develop a seizure disorder. 3. Kidney abno rmalities. Females born with triple X syndrome may also have abnormally developed kidneys or may have only one kidney. There are even rare cases when a female with Triple X syndrome is affected by changes such as behavioral problems, midfacial hypoplasia, wide-set eyes, amenorrhea, posteriorly rotated ears, nonaged head, long head, small lower jaw, expressionless face, prominent forehead, enamel hypoplasia, widely spaced nipples, small hands, small feet, kyphosis, lordosis, reduced muscle tone, and mental retardation. There are rarely any observable physical anomalies in Triple X females, other than being taller than average. Most women with Triple X have normal internal development. Some experience an early onset of menstruation. Triple X women are rarely diagnosed, apart from pre-natal testing methods, unless they undergo amniocentesis and blood tests for medical reasons later in life. Most medical professionals do not believe the condition as a disability.However, if mild del ays are present, such shape can be sought by parents for early intervention intervention The chromosome change that causes triple X syndrome cannot be repaired, so the syndrome itself has no cure. also because it is thought to be caused by a by a spontaneous genetic mutation rather than an inherited genetic defect, there is no way to prevent it. However, given the treatable nature of most symptoms and how frequently no symptoms appear at all, its quite possible to lead a undecomposed and normal life despite having this syndrome.Because people with triple X syndrome may be more susceptible to stress, its important to make sure a female with Triple X Syndrome has a supportive environment as well. Psychological counseling may help, both by teaching their families utilizable methods of demonstrating love and encouragement, and by discouraging behaviors that they might not realize are negative. According to a Danish researcher who scribbleed one of the first Triple X Syndrome supp ort groups in the world, If the conditions are good, stable, and stimulating. learning problems rarely have any serious consequences.However, most Triple X girls ask remedial teaching at school at one time or another, and it is important they get this help if and when they need it. The prognosis for girls with this syndrome is largely good. They are not at increased risks of other diseases as far as it is known and have a normal life expectancy. They are less likely to complete college than other girls, but almost all can finish high school with speech therapy or other additional help. While a few may have some social difficulties,. most are able to join the work force, marry, and start families in adult life.

Barn Burning by William Faulkner

The narrative Barn burning seems to be an imperative superstar as it very evidently illustrates the typical fight between the inner(a) and the deprived categories plus reveals how an underprivileged man suffers when the law is rooted in taking the well-off mans side.A further substantial idea of the story is that it looks at a truth-seeking issue that at what stage should an individual make a preference between what his blood relation(s) and / or kin deems and his personal morality or at what occasion should a youngster depart his parents substructure and limitations and quit, to make his aver decisions?I suppose the reason that this fiction is important is because Faulkner inscribes it in such a manner that it fetches the booklover in and makes him/her empathise with Sarty and his honorable dilemma. The hero in this story is a child named Sarty Snopes, chela of Abner Snopes who is an arsonist. He is an unfortunate, forlorn, and bemused little boy who is at the kindness of his tyrannical father Abner.He is demoralized, immature and has a well-built sense of counteract and incorrect. Sarty swears in economic aid of his fathers defense, and albeit he finds the fairness satisfying, he is indicting his father of the felonies he committed Ab is Snopes opponent as well. Snopes has endured a very unsettled existence with panic and disgrace because of his fathers crimes.This contradicts with his outlook of justice, correct and incorrect. Snopes eventually comes to the decision and alienated himself from the control of another man and capitulated to his own (Loges, 1998). In appreciating that Snopes becomes a rebel icon to the reader. References Loges, M. L. (1998), Faulkners Barn Burning, Journal backing The Explicator, Vol. 57 No. 1, pp. 44-45.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Descriptive: T-bone Steak and Pan

Juan Oliv bez English 1301PW1 Descriptive try out Stepping through the door, that familiar touch perception creeps through my mind and I cant refrain from grinning from pinna to ear. As I take my coterminous step, my heart pounds and my head goes numb with a grit of bliss and gaiety I will soon be experiencing. Placing the bags down behind, I cant tending notwithstanding ascertain them slithering from my grasp as my palms sweat from the dread from the moment that is no more than just an hr away. The trill and firing I get from seeing my girlfriend cook is something that is erotic, even though the act itself is so innocent.Taking the items out of the bag, soft I bring trusted oneness last m that the list she gave me is complete and only items are checked finish up. With the excitement of a teen child inquire for a delicious piece of candy, I call out her name. locomote in the room with a smile that lights up the room, equal a flare lighting up a dark place and reservation an eerie setting feel like home, she looks at me and sighs to me letting me pick out the theatrics are about to sensory facultyt. She starts off by slowly, yet sensually slipping the apron over her head and tightly fastening the belt or so her curvy and luscious hips.Pulling a hair ramble off from her sleeve, she throws her head forward and grasps her hair with a stiff yet furnish movement and then proceeds to lift her head as she clinches the clip in her soft and beautiful brown hair. One by one she places the items on the counter with a look of urgency to fill my pallet with the delicious food she prepares with her own two hands. She finally takes out a thick and hardy T-bone steak, as pink as a bloom on a beautiful spring day, an onion plant as yellowness as bright as the sun.Finally the long and healthy edible asparagus comes out waiting to feel the heat of the go and sting of the rock oil it will saute in. Bending down she pulls out a goat god and firml y grasps the get across like a soldier going into mesh with her weapon of choice. Click, Click, Click goes the stove as she lights the flames that will create the bid meal she will prepare. Placing the pan on the stove, she pulls the oil from the shelf and starts to slowly drizzle the oil on the pan like an artist preparing her psychoanalyse for a wonderful masterpiece. Looking back at me she asks me in a gentle voice asking howId like it cook. fair Well I replied. Letting the pan and oil heat up, she snatches an onion from the counter and tosses it up and catches it behind her back as if trying to imitate a jester at a circus. Her playfulness is exuberating and like an Asiatic master chef she stabs the onion in its core and continues to slice it with the ease of wounding through a soft piece of butter. Testing the oil she tosses a piece of onion in the pan with the care of a person tossing a young child a ball. Crackle, crackle, crackle the onion goes as it sizzles in the oil.Tossing the rest of the onions in pan, the smell becomes intoxicating and the taste of the onions caramelizing like sugar can already be sensed on the crown of my tongue. A minute later she gathers the asparagus, counting slowly making sure as not to get to many or too small(a) to throw into the pan. With a spatula firmly grasped in one hand and 12 pieces of asparagus in the other, she shovels the onions to one side and lays the asparagus one by one letting them slit off her pinky in revision to keep from scalding her soft hand with oil.Within minutes the motley of both smells starts playing tricks on my mind by making me feel like Im in a five star restaurant. Flinging a house from one hand to another, she grabs the pan and slowly leans it onto the plate while the onions and asparagus slide down like jello slithering off your spoon. Yummy is in my tummy with whats coming up next. At last, its time for the main course to take the stage. Using the same pan and oil that is sa turated with essence of onions, she turns up the flames that will gently blister the first side of my steak.As the oil starts to crackle, she holds the steak with both hands and throws it in with no regard to her own well being. Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle is all I need to hear before my senses start to overwhelm my body and apparent motion me to feel a sense of fainting. The smell is memorizing, sweetness from the onions and the fat from the steak pass away it an aroma that cant be described. Bliss is just a short time away. Five minutes pass and she uses the spatula to lift the steak from its boiling brew of oil, onion and grease.Holding the steak up in the air as the grease slowly drips down, she waits to let the pan heat up once again in order to see the other side of the steak. Splat is the next audio recording I hear as she drops the steak on the uncooked side. Once again, the noise sound is so enticing that licking my lips is the only way for me to handle my temptations. I wa lk up to the stove with the curiosity of a young child, I look in to the pan and see a beautiful steak popping and bathing in its own grease. As I look in the pan, I see a brown pinkish faded steak with hints of black in the pan is a moment I would neer get tired of.I close my eyes and let the smell engorge my nose and allow it to hinder any other sense in my body. Click is the next sound I hear followed by the sound of her voice saying its done. Sitting on the hedge I see a plate with a huge tempting steak that is engulfed with brown caramelized onion and a side of lanky strips of asparagus. My weapons of choice are my trusty silver knife and fork, which sit harmlessly to my left. A starter of wine as red as blood sits to my right, as my diaper lays on my lap with no sense of purpose in my mind.A single candle stares me in the eye, blinding me from the beauty that sits across me in her long black dress. Hair hanging down like vines from a tree she glances at me and asks me to close my eyes and give thanks for the things we have. pass completion my eyes I slowly nod my head and begin to wordlessly give grace for the things in my life. The moment is calm, silent and eerie as I conclude my thoughts and cautiously raise my head. My eyes hesitate to gift as if them not wanting to realize the moment Im in.Opening my eyes in that location is rush to my head as I sit there in silence and a cold feeling on my face. The lights are on and the room is empty. Nothing sits on the duck as I imagined, no one sitting across from me nor was there an aroma in the air from the delicious meal I had already tasted in my mind. A grin sits on my face from ear to ear as I realize my mind wondered from the paper I was say to be writing. No girl, no food, no problem. This moment hasnt happened yet but I sit here confident that one day it will, when she locomote into that door

Junk Food Vs Healthy Food Essay

Life today is not standardised how it was ahead. A long sequence ago, populate ate solid foods that are rattling safe for their wellness. People also took in a bunch of time to prepare their own nutrients. So those plurality were not being affect by the intellectual nourishment that they rusted, be get under ones skin all of the foods that they had were natural foods and advantageously for you(p). Nowadays, most of people in the world are extremely busy. Thus, Its no secret, that people dont have time to cook at foundation. Thats why people prefer to eat foods that are easily cooked or ready cooked. Sometimes They do not think about what they eat, and if it loafer affect their health or not. Research has shown that the quality of eat that the gentlemans gentleman eat, affect his health. Foods bottom of the inning be classed into two types, estimable food and blebby (junk).see moreparagraph on junk food is unfavorable for healthHealthy foodHealthy food is very key to have a good life and a better communication. Also, it can lower your risk of developing a range of chronic. As an illustration, eating more fruit and vegetables can help lower blood mechanical press and may lower your risk of certain types of cancer (such as colorectal, breast, lung and prostate cancer. Also can help those people have some types of affection such as diabetes, high cholesterol and blood pressure. People those eats food which has vitamins, proteins, iron and other important nutrients, they will be unload from diseases, and they can enjoy their life. Unfortunately, many people think that the healthy food is not affordable, taste bad, and cannot prepared quickly. However, thats not true healthy food can be a reasonable price for casing all the vegetables are affordable. Also most fruit are tastes good. In this Encouraged many investors to open restaurants in different types days most peoples awareness what is the best for their wellness. This that provides healthy food. For example subway which is offered healthy dissolute food. Or sweet frog the store how think up with the new idea of a new kind of ice-cream that is frozen yogurt. ready foods (junk)Junk food is an informal term for food that is of little nutritional value. Junk foods typically contain high levels of calories from sugar or flesh out with less protein, vitamins or minerals. Common junk foods include salted sharpness foods, gum, candy, sweet desserts, fried fast food, and soda. However, fastfood is one of the easiest and cheapest shipway of eating. It saves a lot of time and money, especially for people who are advance home from work. Everyone should think twice before deciding to eat fast food. The health risks arent worth your life, and animals that live in slaughter houses arent treated properly or hygienically before their death, which can cause many food-borne illnesses to inhabit food. Although it is easy to buy and cheap, risking a life for something that isnt good for any person in the first place could greet thousands of dollars in hospital bills. It is important to eat healthy and make good choices when deciding what to put in your body. Dont be otiose and pick up fast food on your way home from work. Make the right choice and eat some vegetables.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Horses Anatomy Essay

The respiratory system of the one dollar bill is well competent to athletic exercise, with unrestricted upper airway diameters, and a queen-size lung capacity afforded by 18 ribs. These combine to enable air intakes of up to 1800 litres per turn in a galloping horse. Volumes of up to 300 litres of stemma are wield at high pressure through small lung capillaries surrounding 10 million air sacs to take up and deliver over 70 litres of oxygen per minute to the working muscles at the gallop.As a result, every restriction in upper airway diameter, obstruction of the airways, diseases or sample related conditions that reduce efficiency of oxygen uptake from the air sacs, whoremaster direct a great influence on athletic capacity.The large lung scrape up and high blood flow rates also countenance the additional function of heat neediness during and after exercise, with up to 20% of the muscle heat generated during exercise being exchanged across the lung surface to supplement sw eating and other skin surface heat loss mechanisms.The respiratory system is continually challenged by a large gist of foreign material, including viruses, bacteria and fungi inhaled in air from track and compass surfaces during exercise, or from dusty bedding, feed and stable environments.The horses circulatory system is a very large and complex system made up of veins and arteries. The blood is the pumped under enormous pressure from the heart along the arteries which have thick muscular walls to deal with the pressure. It oxygenates the body and the internal organsThe circulatory system is based upon the heart a hollow, muscular organ in the chest cavity. It pumps the blood around the body and is divided into four disperse compartments . business line from the office ventricle goes to the lungs to be oxygenated and then is returned to the left ventricle.Blood from the left ventricle is pumped all through the body in arteries.Arteries repeatedly branch and diminish in size un til they become microscopical capillaries.Capillaries permit necessary interchange between blood and tissue. They eventually marrow up to produce veins, which convey blood to the right atrium and from there to the right ventricle.A horse of average size has approximately 50 pints (28 litres) which interpenetrate through his system every 40 seconds.Excretory systemDepending on size, age, and productive status (work, sport, pleasure, breeding, pregnancy, lactation, retirement), a horse will digest to the highest degree 60% of close to feedstuffs. Feed that is 60% digestible indicates that if a horse is fed 25 pounds of dry feed, 15 will be digested and 10 pounds will be excreted as manure (feces). This will vary by feed. Feeds that are higher in fiber such as hay and grasses have a lower digestibility. Conversely, concentrate feeds that contain grains such as corn, oats, and/or barley, usually have a higher efficiency of digestion and little fecal excretion.Nitrogen (N) is a maj or component of protein. Horses need protein for maintenance, growth, reproduction, lactation, and work. match (P) is a macromineral needed for maintenance, growth, and other physiologic functions. Water is also of the essence(p) for bodily functions. Water is lost from the body primarily in the excretion of feces and urine, sweat, evaporation from the lungs and skin, and in the case of lactation, from milk. It also affects the consistency of manure.all(a) nutrients that are digested (absorbed) are metabolized in the horses body. Some of these, particularly nitrogen in proteins, are excreted in the urine. After being digested and metabolized in the body, waste nitrogen is converted to urea in the liver and excreted in the urine. Additionalundigested nitrogen is excreted in the feces. Overfeeding protein will subjoin the excretion of nitrogen.Overfeeding phosphorus will increase the excretion of phosphorous, most of which is excreted in the feces. Horses should be fed a diet that is digestible and formulate to meet nutritional requirements, while avoiding excesses. Overfeeding can result in higher levels of nitrogen and phosphorus in the manure. Horse farmers should feed horses fit to their nutritional needs. Specific recommendations for nitrogen (protein) and phosphores.

Anglo-Saxon Religious Poetry

Anglo-Saxon ghost similar Poetry The influence of saviourianity came to England from Ireland with the arrival of St. Augustinemission. The ancient vernacular judicial write deuced in its worldliness and infidelism was sanctified by the messiahianization of England. In government issue there was a label change in the content and perception of face numbers era leaving it form and ordinary proficiency unaltered. Instead of seeking themes b in all(prenominal)park to old-Ger piece of musicic the delivererianized Anglo-Saxons adopted a new world of Latin Christianity along with themes and attitudes vulgar to entire Christian world.This enabled the Anglo-Saxon poets to work on Biblical stories, associating them with Hebrew imagination. The special class of poetry which is called Christian poetry and this ghostly poetry flourished in just round the 8th century in North England. rhymed verse came to the aid of clerkly Latin to give verbal expression of the faith of the temporality and make it commonplace. The subject of the poets vocal is instantly the narration of Christ and the deeds of saintly heroes. Caedmon The slope poet who took the first undertake to write poetrys on Christian themes was Caedmon.What scholars know of Caedmons intent comes from Bedes Ecclesiastical news report of the English People. He is cognize best during the period fl. 658-680 AD. , and Bede tells us that he was an semiliterate herdsman to a monastery of Whitby who matchless night in a moon learned how to sing comely Christian verses evaluate Gods name. Following his dream, Caedmon became the world-class Christian poets. Earlier he had so infinitesimal gift of line that he used to leave the feast when he found the brood approaching him he used to leave the feast. peerless night as he lay asleep in the horse barn a mysterious world appe ard to him in his dreams and commanded him to sing. At his bidding Caedmon at erst interpret in praise of the Lo rd, the Creator, verses which he had never heard before. When he awoke he remembered these verses and do others like them. Thus the unlettered Caedmon was miraculously change into the first ghostly poet of England. Caedmon is remembered today for his poetic paraphrases of The Bible.He paraphrased in verse the book of Geneis, hegira, Daniel and Judith. He is alleged(a) to go for sung about populace of the world, the inauguration of man, his reign, of exodus, the incarnation, the crucifixion, the resurrection of Christ, the ascension of Christ into heaven, the advent of the Holy Ghost and the pedagogics of the apostles. He all overly sang of upcoming judgement, the horrors of hell and the joys of heaven. Research and scholarship however, no longer check all the verse forms attri moreovered to Caedmon by Bede to be at once his work excepting the nine-lined meter quoted by Bede in his account of Caedmons first inspiration. coevals A and B The some interesting of the po ems in the Junius Manuscript is generation. propagation A of 3000 lines is an account of the Tempters rebellion against God and his chance upon with the angels into Hell, narrating the ticker of the first 22 chapters of the Biblical book of Genesis. The poem curtails an interpolated passage of 600 lines strikingly different in language and style from the main be of the poem. This has been named Genesis B, a rudimentary Paradise Lost, describing the temptation of Adam and Eve, their bead and Satans rebellion Exodus It relates to the escape of the Israelites and the destruction of the Egyptians in the burning ocean.It is boldly and vigorously written and has an older Epic n bingle. It is written to a greater extent in the convention of adventurous poetry rather than scriptural lore. Exodus brings a traditional heroic style to its biblical subject-matter. Moses is treated as a general, and military imagery pervades the battle scenes. The destruction of the Egyptians in the rubicund Sea is narrated in much the same way as a formulaic battle scene from other ancient English poems Daniel Daniel, as it is preserved, is 764 lines long. in that respect bring forth been numerous melodic lines that there was originally more to this poem than survives today.It is a paraphrase of the first five chapters of the Biblical book of Daniel. The poet uses his worldlys for homiletical purposes and tries to infuse such Christian virtue. The primary focus of the previous(a) English cause was that of The Three Youths, Daniel and their encounters with the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II. Prosaic in t unitary, it also bears an interpolatory passage relating to the poem of Azariah. Judith The finest of the poem attributed to Caedmon is Judith of which a fragment of 350 lines, survive. It is a perfect poem full of action and passion.The Old English poem Judith describes the kill of Assyrian general Holofernes by Israelite Judith of Bethulia. It is found in the s ame manuscript as the heroic poem Beowulf, the Nowell Codex, dated ca. 975-1025. The Old English poem is one of many a nonher(prenominal) retellings of the Holofernes-Judith tale as it was found in the Book of Judith, static afford in the Catholic and Orthodox Christian Bibles. What is certain about the origin of the poem is that it stems from the Book of Judith. After the Reformation, the Book of Judith was removed from the Protestant Bible.However, it is quieten present in the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Bibles. Similar to Beowulf, Judith conveys a moral tale of heroic triumph over monstrous beings. two moral and political, the poem tells of a brave womanhoods efforts to provided and protect her people. Judith is depicted as an exemplar woman, grounded by ideal morale, probity, courage, and spectral conviction. Judiths reference point is rendered blameless and virtuous, and her beauty is praised persistently end-to-end the poem.Cynaewulf Beside Caedmon, the othe r most important Old-English apparitional poet is Cynaewulf. Cynewulf lived roughly c.770-840 AD, even very(prenominal) little is kn avouch about his life. The only information scholars have on Cynewulfs life is what they nominate discover from his poetry. Two of Cynewulfs signed poems were discovered in the Vercelli Book, which includes Cynewulfs holy trail poem Elene as well as survey of the rood- head. Where many scholars allow for argue that all of the poems in the Vercelli argon in fact Cynewulfs, the say German scholar Franz Dietrich demonstrates that the similarities between Cynewulfs Elene and The Dream of the rood- shoetree reveals that the two essential have been authored by the same individual.The four poems attributed to him sports stadium his runic signatures be Christ. Juliana, Elene and The Fate of the Apostles. Unsigned poems attributed to him or his school are Andreas, St. Guthlac, The Phoenix, The Dream of the Rood. The four poems, like a substant ial portion of Anglo-Saxon poetry, are sculpted in rhyming verse. All four poems capture upon Latin sources such as homilies and hagiographies (the lives of saints) for their content, and this is to be particularly contrasted to other Old English poems, e. g.Genesis, Exodus, and Daniel, which are wasted directly from the Bible as argue to secondary accounts. Christ Of all his work the most important and popular poem is Christ, a fragmentary instructive poem in triad parts the first celebrating the Nativity, the second upgrade and the third Doomsday, narrating the torments of the wicked and the joys of the birthed. Andreas and Guthlac These are poems related to lives of Saints. The first narrates the story of the adventures and sufferings and mastery of St. Andreas in his travels related to missionary work. Juliana and EleneThese are legendary stories of St. Juliana and the discovery of the accepted Cross by the grow of Emperor Constantine, St. Helena. They are poems wi th little esthetic merit except for their adventuresome element and the rareness in Anglo-Saxon poetry of being consecrated to women. In terms of length, Elene is by outlying(prenominal) the longest poem of Cynewulfs corpus at 1,321 lines. It is followed by Juliana, at 731 lines, Christ II, at 427 lines, and The Fates of the Apostles, at a brisk 122 lines. Three of the poems are martyrolical, in that the central character(s) in each die/suffer for their religious values.In Elene, Saint Helena endures her quest to find the Holy Cross and revolve Christianity in Juliana, the title character dies later she refuses to marry a pagan man, thus retaining her Christian integrity in Fates of the Apostles, the speaker creates a song that meditates on the deaths of the apostles which they joyously faced. Elene and Juliana pass in the category of poems that depict the lives of saints. These two poems along with Andreas and Guthlac (parts A and B) equal the only versified saints legends i n the Old English vernacular.The Ascension (Christ II) is outside the umbrella of the other threesome works, and is a vehement description of a devotional subject. The exact chronology of the poems is not known. One argument asserts that Elene is likely the last of the poems because the autobiographic epilogue implies that Cynewulf is old at the time of art object, but this view has been doubted. Nevertheless, it seems that Christ II and Elene represent the cusp of Cynewulfs career, while Juliana and Fates of the Apostles seem to be created by a less inspired, and by chance less mature, poet.The Fates of the Apostles It deals with the various Christian Gospels in an Elegiac manner. It is the shortest of Cynewulfs known canon at 122 lines long. It is a brief martyrology of the Twelve Apostles written in the standard alliterative verse. The Fates recites the key events that subsequently befell each apostle after the Ascension. It is possible that The Fates was composed as a learni ng aid to the monasteries. Cynewulf speaks in the first-person throughout the poem, and besides explaining the intend of each disciple, he provides advice and consolation to the reader.Cynewulfs runic signature is scramble in this poem so that the nub of the runes become a sieve with no unequivocal meaning. Runic signature All four of Cynewulfs poems suss out passages where the letters of the poets name are woven into the text exploitation runic symbols that also double as meaningful ideas pertinent to the text. In Juliana and Elene, the interwoven name is spelled in the more recognizable form as Cynewulf, while in Fates and Christ II it is observed without the medial e so the runic acrostic says Cynwulf.The practice of claiming musical opus over ones poems was a break from the tradition of the anonymous poet, where no composition was viewed as being owned by its creator. Cynewulf devised a tradition where fatherhood would connote ownership of the piece and an originality th at would be respected by futurity generations. Furthermore, by integrating his name, Cynewulf was attempting to retain the structure and form of his poetry that would afford mutations otherwise. From a different perspective, Cynewulfs intent may not have been to claim authorship, but to seek the prayers of others for the safety of his soul.It is contended that Cynewulf wished to be remembered in the prayers of his hearing in return for the pleasure they would derive from his poems. In a nose out his expectation of a spiritual reward can be contrasted with the satisfying reward that other poets of his time would have expected for their craft. The Phoenix The poem is about a mythical bird which burnt itself to be regenerate from its own ashes, symbolic of Christian soul. The Dream of the Rood The poem is align up with the bank clerk having a dream. In this dream or vision he is speaking to the Cross on which rescuer was crucified.The poem itself is divided up into three sep arate sections. In section one, the narrator has a vision of the Cross. initially when the dreamer sees the Cross, he notes how it is covered with gems. He is witting of how wretched he is compared to how glorious the tree is. However, he comes to see that amidst the beautiful stones it is stained with profligate In section two, the Cross shares its account of Jesus death. The Crucifixion story is told from the perspective of the Cross. It begins with the enemy coming to cut the tree down and carrying it away.The tree learns that it is to be the bearer of a criminal, but kinda the Christ comes to be crucified. The Lord and the Cross become one, and they stand unitedly as victors, ref victimisation to fall, winning on insurmountable pain for the sake of globe. It is not just Christ, but the Cross as well that is punctured with nails. The Rood and Christ are one in the portrayal of the Passionthey are both pierced with nails, mocked and tortured. accordingly, just like with Ch rist, the Cross is resurrected, and adorned with grand and silver. It is honour above all trees just as Jesus is honored above all men.The Cross then charges the visionary to share all that he has seen with others. In section three, the author gives his reflections about this vision. The vision ends, and the man is left with his thoughts. He gives praise to God for what he has seen and is filled with hope for eternal life and his desire to once again be come along the glorious Cross. It is the finest of religious poems in OE, the finest narrative of the Passion in medieval verse (late seventh century, later modified preserved in the Vercelli Book). The tree of which the Cross was make relates the story the first English dream-poemAnglo-Saxon Religious PoetryThe influence of Christianity came to England from Ireland with the arrival of St. Augustinemission. The ancient vernacular poetry unredeemed in its worldliness and paganism was sanctified by the Christianization of England. In consequence there was a marked change in the content and emotion of English poetry while leaving it form and general technique unaltered.Instead of seeking themes common to old-Germanic the Christianized Anglo-Saxons adopted a new world of Latin Christianity along with themes and attitudes common to entire Christian world. This enabled the Anglo-Saxon poets to work on Biblical stories, associating them with Hebrew imagination. The special class of poetry which is called Christian poetry and this religious poetry flourished in about the 8th century in North England. Alliterative verse came to the aid of clerkly Latin to give expression of the faith of the Laity and make it popular. The subject of the poets song is now the story of Christ and the deeds of saintly heroes.CaedmonThe English poet who took the first attempt to write poems on Christian themes was Caedmon. What scholars know of Caedmons life comes from Bedes Ecclesiastical History of the English People. He is known best during the time fl. 658-680 AD., and Bede tells us that he was an illiterate herdsman to a monastery of Whitby who one night in a dream learned how to sing beautiful Christian verses praising Gods name. Following his dream, Caedmon became the foremost Christian poets. Earlier he had so little gift of song that he used to leave the feast when he found the harp approaching him he used to leave the feast. One night as he lay asleep in the stable a mysterious being appeared to him in his dreams and commanded him to sing.At his bidding Caedmon at once sang in praise of the Lord, the Creator, verses which he had never heard before. When he awoke he remembered these verses and made others like them. Thus the unlettered Caedmon was miraculously transformed into the first religious poet of England. Caedmon is remembered today for his poetic paraphrases of The Bible. He paraphrased in verse the book of Geneis, Exodus, Daniel and Judith. He is supposed to have sung aboutcreation of the world, the origin of man, his reign, of exodus, the incarnation, the crucifixion, the resurrection of Christ, the ascension of Christ into heaven, the advent of the Holy Ghost and the teaching of the apostles.He also sang of future judgement, the horrors of hell and the joys of heaven. Research and scholarship however, no longer admit all the poems attributed to Caedmon by Bede to be directly his work excepting the nine-lined poem quoted by Bede in his account of Caedmons first inspiration.Genesis A and BThe most interesting of the poems in the Junius Manuscript is Genesis. Genesis A of 3000 lines is an account of Satans rebellion against God and his fall with the angels into Hell, narrating the substance of the first 22 chapters of the Biblical book of Genesis. The poem contains an interpolated passage of 600 lines strikingly different in language and style from the main body of the poem. This has been named Genesis B, a rudimentary Paradise Lost, describing the temptation of Adam and Ev e, their Fall and Satans rebellionExodusIt relates to the escape of the Israelites and the destruction of the Egyptians in the Red Sea. It is boldly and vigorously written and has an older Epic note. It is written more in the convention of heroic poetry rather than scriptural lore. Exodus brings a traditional heroic style to its biblical subject-matter. Moses is treated as a general, and military imagery pervades the battle scenes. The destruction of the Egyptians in the Red Sea is narrated in much the same way as a formulaic battle scene from other Old English poemsDanielDaniel, as it is preserved, is 764 lines long. There have been numerous arguments that there was originally more to this poem than survives today.It is a paraphrase of the first five chapters of the Biblical book of Daniel. The poet uses his materials for homiletic purposes and tries to inculcate such Christian virtue. The primary focus of the Old English author was that of The Three Youths, Daniel and their encoun ters with the Babylonian kingNebuchadnezzar II. Prosaic in tone, it also bears an interpolatory passage relating to the poem of Azariah.JudithThe finest of the poem attributed to Caedmon is Judith of which a fragment of 350 lines, survive. It is a perfect poem full of action and passion. The Old English poem Judith describes the beheading of Assyrian general Holofernes by Israelite Judith of Bethulia. It is found in the same manuscript as the heroic poem Beowulf, the Nowell Codex, dated ca. 975-1025. The Old English poem is one of many retellings of the Holofernes-Judith tale as it was found in the Book of Judith, still present in the Catholic and Orthodox Christian Bibles.What is certain about the origin of the poem is that it stems from the Book of Judith. After the Reformation, the Book of Judith was removed from the Protestant Bible. However, it is still present in the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Bibles.Similar to Beowulf, Judith conveys a moral tale of heroic triumph ov er monstrous beings. Both moral and political, the poem tells of a brave womans efforts to save and protect her people. Judith is depicted as an exemplar woman, grounded by ideal morale, probity, courage, and religious conviction. Judiths character is rendered blameless and virtuous, and her beauty is praised persistently throughout the poem.CynaewulfBeside Caedmon, the other most important Old-English religious poet is Cynaewulf. Cynewulf lived roughly c. 770-840 AD, yet very little is known about his life.The only information scholars have on Cynewulfs life is what they can discover from his poetry. Two of Cynewulfs signed poems were discovered in the Vercelli Book, which includes Cynewulfs holy cross poem Elene as well as Dream of the Rood.Where many scholars will argue that all of the poems in the Vercelli are in fact Cynewulfs, the noted German scholar Franz Dietrich demonstrates that the similarities between Cynewulfs Elene and The Dream of the Rood reveals that the two must h ave been authored by the same individual. The four poems attributed to him trough his runic signatures are Christ. Juliana, Elene and The Fate of the Apostles.Unsigned poems attributed to him or his school are Andreas, St. Guthlac, The Phoenix, The Dream of the Rood. The four poems, like a substantial portion of Anglo-Saxon poetry, are sculpted in alliterative verse. All four poems draw upon Latin sources such as homilies and hagiographies (the lives of saints) for their content, and this is to be particularly contrasted to other Old English poems, e.g. Genesis, Exodus, and Daniel, which are drawn directly from the Bible as opposed to secondary accounts.ChristOf all his works the most important and popular poem is Christ, a fragmentary didactic poem in three parts the first celebrating the Nativity, the second Ascension and the third Doomsday, narrating the torments of the wicked and the joys of the redeemed.Andreas and GuthlacThese are poems related to lives of Saints. The first n arrates the story of the adventures and sufferings and success of St. Andreas in his travels related to missionary work.Juliana and EleneThese are legendary stories of St. Juliana and the discovery of the True Cross by the mother of Emperor Constantine, St. Helena. They are poems with little artistic merit except for their adventurous element and the rareness in Anglo-Saxon poetry of being dedicated to women. In terms of length, Elene is by far the longest poem of Cynewulfs corpus at 1,321 lines. It is followed by Juliana, at 731 lines, Christ II, at 427 lines, and The Fates of the Apostles, at a brisk 122 lines. Three of the poems are martyrolical, in that the central character(s) in each die/suffer for their religious values.In Elene, Saint Helena endures her quest to find the Holy Cross and spread Christianity in Juliana, the title character dies after she refuses to marry a pagan man, thus retaining her Christian integrity in Fates of the Apostles, the speaker creates a song tha t meditates on the deaths of the apostles which they joyously faced. Elene and Juliana fit in the category of poems that depict the lives of saints. These two poems along with Andreasand Guthlac (parts A and B) constitute the only versified saints legends in the Old English vernacular.The Ascension (Christ II) is outside the umbrella of the other three works, and is a vehement description of a devotional subject. The exact chronology of the poems is not known. One argument asserts that Elene is likely the last of the poems because the autobiographical epilogue implies that Cynewulf is old at the time of composition, but this view has been doubted. Nevertheless, it seems that Christ II and Elene represent the cusp of Cynewulfs career, while Juliana and Fates of the Apostles seem to be created by a less inspired, and perhaps less mature, poet. The Fates of the ApostlesIt deals with the various Christian Gospels in an Elegiac manner. It is the shortest of Cynewulfs known canon at 122 l ines long. It is a brief martyrology of the Twelve Apostles written in the standard alliterative verse. The Fates recites the key events that subsequently befell each apostle after the Ascension. It is possible that The Fates was composed as a learning aid to the monasteries. Cynewulf speaks in the first-person throughout the poem, and besides explaining the fate of each disciple, he provides advice and consolation to the reader. Cynewulfs runic signature is scrambled in this poem so that the meaning of the runes become a riddle with no unequivocal meaning.Runic signatureAll four of Cynewulfs poems contain passages where the letters of the poets name are woven into the text using runic symbols that also double as meaningful ideas pertinent to the text. In Juliana and Elene, the interwoven name is spelled in the more recognizable form as Cynewulf, while in Fates and Christ II it is observed without the medial e so the runic acrostic says Cynwulf. The practice of claiming authorship o ver ones poems was a break from the tradition of the anonymous poet, where no composition was viewed as being owned by its creator. Cynewulf devised a tradition where authorship would connote ownership of the piece and an originality that would be respected by future generations.Furthermore, by integrating his name, Cynewulf was attempting to retain the structure and form of his poetry that would bear mutations otherwise. From a different perspective, Cynewulfs intent may not have been to claim authorship, but to seek theprayers of others for the safety of his soul. It is contended that Cynewulf wished to be remembered in the prayers of his interview in return for the pleasure they would derive from his poems. In a scent out his expectation of a spiritual reward can be contrasted with the material reward that other poets of his time would have expected for their craft.The PhoenixThe poem is about a mythical bird which burnt itself to be reborn from its own ashes, symbolic of Chris tian soul.The Dream of the RoodThe poem is set up with the narrator having a dream. In this dream or vision he is speaking to the Cross on which Jesus was crucified. The poem itself is divided up into three separate sections. In section one, the narrator has a vision of the Cross. Initially when the dreamer sees the Cross, he notes how it is covered with gems. He is aware of how wretched he is compared to how glorious the tree is. However, he comes to see that amidst the beautiful stones it is stained with blood In section two, the Cross shares its account of Jesus death.The Crucifixion story is told from the perspective of the Cross. It begins with the enemy coming to cut the tree down and carrying it away. The tree learns that it is to be the bearer of a criminal, but instead the Christ comes to be crucified. The Lord and the Cross become one, and they stand together as victors, refusing to fall, taking on insurmountable pain for the sake of mankind. It is not just Christ, but the Cross as well that is pierced with nails. The Rood and Christ are one in the portrayal of the Passionthey are both pierced with nails, mocked and tortured. Then, just like with Christ, the Cross is resurrected, and adorned with gold and silver. It is honored above all trees just as Jesus is honored above all men.The Cross then charges the visionary to share all that he has seen with others. In section three, the author gives his reflections about this vision. The vision ends, and the man is left with his thoughts. He gives praise to God for what he has seen and is filled with hope for eternal life and his desire to once again be near the glorious Cross. It is the finest of religious poems in OE, the finest narrative of the Passion in medieval verse (late 7th century, later modified preserved in the Vercelli Book). The tree of which the Cross was made relates the story the first English dream-poemChrist is portrayed as a young Germanic heroLong years ago (well yet I remember) They hewed me down on the edge of the holt, Severed my trunk infrangible foemen took me, For a spectacle wrought me, a gallows for rogues. High on their shoulders they stupe me to hilltop, fasten me firmly, an army of foes Then I saw the King of all mankind In brave whim hastening to mount upon me. Refuse I dared not, nor twine nor break, Though I felt earths confines shudder in veneration All foes I might fell, yet still I stood fast. Then the young Warrior, God, the All-Wielder, Put off his raiment, steadfast and strong With lordly mood in the sight of many He mounted the Cross to redeem mankind. When the hero clasped me I trembled in terror, But I dared not prostrate me nor bend to earth I must need stand fast. revive as the Rood I held the High King, the Lord of Heaven. I dared not bow with black nails driven Those sinners pierced me the prints are clear, The open wounds. I dared injure none. They mocked us both. I was wet with blood From the Heros side when H e sent forth His spirit. Many a bale I bore on that hill-side Seeing the Lord in agony outstretched. Black dimness covered with clouds Gods body, That radiant splendor. Shadow went forth Wan under heaven all creation wept Bewailing the Kings death. Christ was on the Cross.It appears from a survey of Old English Christian poetry that the poets chiefly aimed at popularizing the holy writ and only occasionally added pious commentaries to the original.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Gravametric Quant Lab Report

Quantitative outline gravimetric mark of Iron as Fe2O3 testing ground Experiment 2 February 19, 2013 Abstract In the Gravimetric determination is the mensuration of mass in two disparate forms precipitation and volatilization. In our experimentation we will be using the precipitation form which isolates an ion in a dissolver by a precipitation reaction, sieveing, purifying by scour method, conversion to harvest-time of known composition, and lowest weigh of the product canvass the mass difference of theorictal and actual. This method identified the weight sh atomic number 18 of beseech in an unknown sample. one-third samples are taken to limit share error. In the results of the three samples 1 had a per centum of 10. 764 Fe (III), sample 2 had a percent of 11. 725 Fe (III), and sample 3 with a percent of 12. 216 Fe (III). The average sample percent was 11. 568 compared to minded(p) amount percent of 12. 90. In theory with a exit of 1. 332 this experiment was over i n all successful. instauration In this lab the purpose was to use the gravimetric determination map to identify the weight percent of iron in an unknown sample. Three samples were collected and analyzed.Iron can be analyzed by precipitating the supply iron oxide from a basic solution. After the basic solution is render the process is then followed by ace dehydration to give immobile iron oxide. Methods and Materials Needed in the experiment was * crucibles, Metal rings, Wire triangles, Burners, Funnels, imbue Paper, Beakers, Glass rod, Diluted ammonium hydroxide solution, Nitric acid solution, silver-tongued nitrate solution, NH4NO3 solution, Distilled weewee. Below are some methods used in experiment. fig. 1 fig. 2 Experimental Procedure This experiment was a multiple posing lab.Obtain three melting pots and desiccator. Bring the three porcelain crucibles and caps to regular mass by oestrus to redness for 15 minutes over a burner, use fig. 1 for method reference. Pl ace the heated crucibles in the desiccator to cool for approximately 30 minutes and weigh. This was left overnight and completed the second trial in the next session with successive weighing agreed within 0. 30mg. (Keep constant numbering with crucibles throughout experiment) We measured out 1. 5g of three samples of the unknown that was given to us. Each sample was dissolved in 10 mL of 3M HCl (with hotness necessary). mL of 6 M HNO3 was obtained to filtrate, and boil for a few minutes to ensure that all iron is oxidized to Fe (III). The samples was hackd to 200mL with distilled water and add 3 M ammonia with constant stirring until the solution was basic (as determined with pH indicator report card). After solution becomes basic, accept the lessen by boiling for 5 minutes and allow the precipitate to settle. We then decanted the supernatant liquid through coarse, ash less filter paper (Whatman 41 or Schleicher and Schuell Black Ribbon, as in fig. 2 -18 and 2 -19 in textbook. ). Keep liquid lower than 1 cm from the top of the funnel.Our precipitate was first muteed repeatedly with hot ammonium hydroxide solution, by miscommunication. Then washed with the corrected heated ammonium nitrate and left it to drain overnight until next session. We continued to wash supernatant until little or no Cl- is detected in filtered supernatant. chance the Cl- by acidifying a few milliliters of filtrate with 1 mL of dilute HNO3 and adding a few drops of 0. 1 M AgNO3. If precipitate is observed, Cl- is present. After identifying that at that place was not any Cl- present we allowed the filter to drain overnight cover with ventilation.Carefully, the paper was lifted out of the funnel, folded (fig. 2), and transferred all dried substance to crucible and any substance that is not completely dry place into beaker and into the sens for half an hour. Those situated in beaker was then placed into the crucibles that were brought to constant mass. With the paper and substanc e in the crucible it was placed over a olive-sized beam with the lid off to start to char the filter paper. The flame temperature was then increased keeping the lid handy to smother the crucible of the paper flames.After the paper seems visibly charred ignite the product for full 15 minutes with full heat of the burner directed at the base of the crucible where oxidized iron is located. When the crucibles have briefly cooled in the air, we then placed them in the desiccator for 30 minutes. After the 30 minutes of cooling in the desiccator weigh the crucible and the lid, reignite, and bring to constant mass with the repeated change within a mass of 0. 3 mg. We are now complete with the experiment. Calculate the weight percent of iron in each sample, the average, the well-worn deviation, and the relative standard deviation for your data.Results Crucible 1 0. 231 g Fe2O3 ? 1 mol Fe2O3159. 487g ? 2 mol FeOOH1 mol Fe2O3? 55. 845 g1 mol = 0. 162g Fe0. 162 g1. 505 g? deoxycytidine mo nophosphate=10. 764% Crucible 2 0. 252 g Fe2O3 ? 1 mol Fe2O3159. 487g ? 2 mol FeOOH1 mol Fe2O3? 55. 845 g1 mol = 0. 176g Fe0. 176 g1. 501 g? 100=11. 725% Crucible 3 0. 268 g Fe2O3 ? 1 mol Fe2O3159. 487g ? 2 mol FeOOH1 mol Fe2O3? 55. 845 g1 mol = 0. 183g Fe0. 183 g1. 502 g? 100=12. 216% *Refer to appendix for sample mass table and deliberateness equations Crucible 1 Crucible 2 Crucible 3 fish percent 10. 764 % 11. 725 % 12. 216%Average 0. 250 g Standard deflection 0. 019 Relative Deviation 0. 015 Discussion Since the obtained and expected results are not 100 percent first mate we can conclude that during the experiment we encountered a loss of product, with an average percent of 11. 57 and an obtained of 12. 90 percent. In the experiment the precipitate was washed repeatedly with given solution to filter out any Cl- at this clock time we commemorate that some of the precipitate had gone through the filter through the sides from solution being held to high causing an overflow o n the sides of the filter.This was notice by the orange tint in the beaker of the filtered solution. In the experiment scales were besides changed due to overuse. That could cause some flux in the measurement changes by small degree. Another error or issue during the experiment a lids on our crucible broke having to replace it caused a changed in our final weigh being that in the beginning we weighed our crucibles with the lid. Remaining constant in the lab is a must this does cut back on experimental error such as using the same analytical balances and labeling all equipment and crucibles.In the Gravimetric determination is the measurement of mass in two different forms precipitation and volatilization. Some of the underlying principles and theories of gravimetric analysis are police of mass action, reversible reactions, and principle of solubility product and common ion effect. terminus The gravimetric determination procedure determined that we had an average of 11. 568% of Fe in our unknown solution, given the amount of 12. 90% of Fe. We experienced a loss of approximately 1. 332 %. This loss could be included in instrumental and serviceman errors.References Lewis, D. 2013. Quantitative Analysis Lab Journal. Gravimetric Determination of Iron as Fe2O3. Vol. 1 Pages 4 5. Franklin, J. 2013. Quantitative Analysis Lab Journal. Gravimetric Determination of Iron as Fe2O3. Vol. 1 Pages 7 11. Bb Learn. 2013. Quantitative Chemical Analysis. Gravimetric Determination of Iron Lab Handout. Harris, Daniel C. 8th edition. Quantitative Chemical Analysis Textbook. Appendix Calculation equations Mean Mean = Sum of X set / N(Number of values) Standard Deviation Relative Deviation 100 ? sxCrucibles mess of the Beaker (empty) (g) Mass of the Beaker & Unknown (g) Mass of the Unknown Sample (g) 1 144. 181 g 146. 686 g 1. 505 g 2 159. 328 g 160. 829 g 1. 501 g 3 167. 480 g 168. 982 g 1. 502 g * Above are the measurements of the unknown samples obtained Crucibles Mass of Crucible (g) Mass Crucible & final product (g) Mass of final product (g) 1 31. 752 g 31. 982 g 0. 231 g 2 33. 820 g 34. 072 g 0. 252 g 3 40. 802 g 40534 g 0. 268 g * Above are the measurements of Iron found in unknown sample

Children of Heaven Essay

Watching the movie entitled Children of Heaven made me realize how a simple plot/ reputation can be as heart- heating and excite as any other film available out in that location in the market. It doesnt take an elaborate story with so legion(predicate) twists and turns to make a terrific film for e genuinelyone to appreciate. Although the movie has some move which are heavily dramatic like the scene where Zahra was crying imputable to Ali losing her shoes, the movie still has a predominant light tone. The film makes the earr all(prenominal) including myself feel sympathy towards the main characters portrayed by Ali and Zahra, two siblings who sincerely care for each other.This technique of touching the emotion of the earshot is sure as shooting effective since it makes them want to go on and finish the film (as I did when the earlier mentioned scene was shone in the very beginning of the film). Captivating the audience, however, does not stop there. Including certain exciti ng and problematic moments in their life makes the story more interesting and natural. Examples of which are the scene when the sneakers fell off Zahras foot then landed into the canals so she had to follow where the waters went to think it and the scene when Ali was at the sprint race about to win when another(prenominal) boy bumped him off the course.More than that, the film also brings the audience to start out the daily lifestyle and culture of the Iranian people (as this film was target in that country). Having a background of the characters helps me understand their values and way of thinking. Therefore, I could comprehend the film in an easier way since it has this characteristic. Capturing the realistic view of the manhood aided me in relating to the film even though I am foreign to the concept it was showing. Having so many values encompassed in the story, I have learned many things regarding determination, compassion and familial love.These values were interspersed in the different scenes of the story. There were some in the beginning about familial love when both Ali and Zahra agreed that they share the sneakers since they attend school in separate shifts a natural dramatic device for the story. Determination was altogether the way seen when Ali tried so hard in the race to win the rubberise shoes. Compassion was evident in scenes when they took care of the sick neighbor and their mother. apply the typical backdrop and props (as I see it) made everything very earthly.Nothing to fancy was used to show the social status of the family it was not exaggerated. The objects to be found in the film were ordinarily available in the daily life of everyone. Also, the acting of the characters in the story was very natural. It some looked like it is a life-story being told and not just a script one. I deem that the view of most people regarding those of Iranians will revision after seeing this movie. Their genuine care for each other shows how prac tically they appreciate those people and things around them.This contradicts the stereotype given to them as those carmine people of the Middle East. Moreover, the film serves as a heart warming meditation about real goodness in humanity lot balance the negative prejudices that most people project towards Iranians especially nowadays. With all these to be found in the film, I can say that everyone is back up to watch it. Not only will they learn family values and self-discipline, the audience could also be inspired to live out their lives to the fullest in each day that passes.

Friday, February 22, 2019

My Favorite Dish Essay

My preferent DishMost of us have a certain compositors case of favorite bagful, but my favorite dish is seared steak with a garlic glaze. I love this dish because it reminds of that period my cousin told me close it and describe it. Ever since he told me I always essentialed it to try it. I couldnt try the dish because he didnt know the cr flowe of it and so I couldnt try it out in round other eating place or score it myself. The only way I had to try it was to go where he lives and he lives out of state, I had to bet a few months to taste it. That made me want to try it til now more.2 years ago my dad came home from work with in truth good news he told my family that we were leaving to spend Christmas with my family in Bellevue, chapiter. When I heard the good news I was so happy I was going to try the dish my cousin was telling me about. I was h angiotensin converting enzymest counting the days to go, I phone it was December 15 we jammed out stuff and went to Wa shington. The first affaire we did was go out to eat and it was in that Restaurant in Bellevue I dont rightfully remember the name of it I just wanted to try the dish.The restaurant was located between Bellevue and Seattle. In the restaurant we got the got the menu and my cousin pointed at the dish and it was called Seared steak with garlic glaze. I didnt really want to try it because of the garlic but I waited so long for this dish I had to try it. I got my dish and it looked weird but smelled so good. The garlic along with the spices it had on the glaze smelled so good was make me want to jump for it right away.The steak was hot and cooked well done and was about inch thick had good color to it the glaze was brownish looking. The glaze was covered with garlic cloves I made a weird feel when I saw it. I took my first bite and I am not a fan of garlic but I love it was so good, I said to myself all this wait was worth it that garlic taste mixed with roughly spices they used ma de it taste so delicious never have I tasted something homogeneous it.After Christmas we came dressing to Los Angeles California I was justremembering the taste of seared steak I wanted to try to and make my own. I searched online and found a normal and it seemed attractive easy and didnt use that many ingredients. I went to the local anesthetic super market by my house and had most of the ingredients it required, the only thing I couldnt find was rosemary I echo they had it I just didnt know where to find it. I went home and as luck would have it there was rosemary in the house. I seared the steak so it butt be really dry and I seasoned it with salt, pepper and steak flavour so it can have a good crust and cooked it in a cast iron skillet. The steak smelled good already so was time to make the glaze the glaze was really simple just some garlic beef broth and rosemary.My dish was done it didnt rail a long time it took me about 25-30 minutes. My dish didnt fall down out as it looked back in the restaurant I think because my stake was a little thin then inch. I well-tried it and it didnt really taste the same like the one in the restaurant didnt have that good garlic flavor peradventure in the restaurant they added some extra spices or secret ingredient.I would make this dish again but this time I would like to experiment and add more spices to the glaze or maybe make it a little spicy probably next time when I go to Bellevue Washington I should ask the chef what are the ingredients in qualification this wonderful dish. Next time I am probably going to make it with pork chops I think it will be pretty good maybe even better.I like my visit to Washington and going to that restaurant next time I will remember the name of it. I had fun in making this dish and I will try to make it as good as the one in the restaurant or probably even better. I will never give up


Nicole McLean RN Understanding preeclampsia Drexel University Understanding pre-eclampsia Preeclampsia is a hypertensive disorder of pregnancy. Preeclampsia complicates 3-5% of all pregnancies and continues to be a major suffer of morbidity and mortality for both mother and baby (Pettit & Brown, 2012, p. 6). The exact cause of preeclampsia is unknown. It is commonly diagnosed after 20 weeks gestation. A diagnosis is made by elevated logical argument pres positive(predicate)s and with or without proteinuria. The intercession of this disorder is geared towards care of symptoms, preventing seizures and controlling hypertension.I chose this topic because I am a labor and delivery nurse and find this to be a popular disorder of pregnancy. This disorder is very common among the nulliparity (first pregnancy) population. Although the exact cause of preeclampsia remains unknown, much research effort has been exerted on the athletic field of pathophysiological mechanisms (Townsend & Dru mmond, 2011, p. 245). Pettit & Brown (2012) found that the placenta and the re-modeling of the uterine arteries is a factor in preeclamptic disease.Preeclampsia is usually diagnosed on a routine pre-natal visit during daub pressure checks and weewee dips. Urine dips show the presence of protein in the urine. According to ACOG (American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists) the criteria for diagnosing preeclampsia is a systolic blood pressure 140mmHg or diastolic blood pressure 90mmHg that occurs after 20 weeks gestation in a woman with previously normal blood pressure. Also, the presence of proteinuria, which is the urinary excretion of 0. g of protein or higher in a 24 hour urine specimen (ACOG bulletin 33, 2002, p. 160). The goal of treatment is aimed towards preventing seizures and blood pressure management. The hanker held principle that delivery is the only cure for preeclampsia prevails (Townsend & Drummond, 2011, p. 299). Thus, interventions are beforehand lon g designed to either deliver the fetus or make sure the mother and fetus are safe to continue the pregnancy duration allowing time for foetal lung maturity to occur (Townsend & Drummond, 2011,p. 299).In my institution, Magnesium sulfate is the capital standard of care for preeclamptic patients. We use this drug to prevent seizures and anti-hypertensives to control blood pressure. Close monitoring of these patients is crucial. Our hospital protocol involves monitoring maternal(p) nearly being, which includes blood pressure checks hourly, monitoring of liver and kidney function, and obtaining daily weights at the alike time each day for evaluation of tissue fluid retention. We to a fault monitor fetal well-being by continuously monitoring the fetal heart rate with an external fetal monitor.It is important to encourage these patients to take hold a nutritious diet with moderate protein intake to compensate for the protein that whitethorn be lost in the urine. In conclusion, the m ost common medical checkup complication of pregnancy is hypertension. The main goal is to keep the mother with child(predicate) for as long as possible. Both the mother and baby forget be closely monitored, and if the mother is term or if the baby is in distress the doctor may decide to induce labor or perform a cesarean section.The most important thing is maternal and fetal well being. References American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) Committee on Obstetric workout. ACOG Practice Bulletin No. 33 Diagnosis and Management of Preeclampsia and Eclampsia. 99(1) 159 -167, January 2002. Pettit, F. , & Brown, M. A. (2012). The management of pre-eclampsia What we think we know. European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Biology, 160(1), 6. doi10. 1016/j. ejogrb. 2011. 09. 049 Townsend, N. S. , & Drummond, S.B. (2011). Preeclampsia Pathophysiology and implications for care. The Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing, 25(3), 245. Intellectual Honest y Certification I certify that this appointee is presented as entirely my own intellectual work. any(prenominal) words and/or ideas from other sources (e. g. printed publications, Internet sites, electronic media, other individuals, groups, or organizations) have beenproperly indicated using the appropriate scholarly citation modal value required by the department or College.I have not submitted this assignment in its entirety to satisfy the requirements of any other course. Any move of this assignment from other courses have been discussed thoroughly with the faculty member before this submission so that there is an understanding that I have utilize some of this work in a prior assignment. Students Signature_Nicole McLean Course Submitted_Nursing 324 Online Tools for Success Term Fall 2012 Date November 25, 2012

Manganese Ore Beneficiation Production Line

atomic number 25 ore annihilative processChunks of atomic number 25 ore by silo ar evenly move to first crushing (jaw crusher) for primary crushing by the vibrating feeder, manganese ore coarse crushing by overhead conveyor to the inessential crushing (Impact crusher or conecrusher) for further crushingManganese ore after crushing is sent into vibrating screen for sieving by thrill conveyor, screening out of several(prenominal) different sizes, different specifications of manganese ore, manganese ore to meet the size requirements is sent to the heap of finished satisfying by the finished product belt conveyormanganese ore without meeting the size requirements is sent back material impact crusher or cone crusher broken again by the belt conveyor forming a closed-circuit and cycling repeatedly. http//www. shzbm. com rotary kiln http//www. pe750. com aw crusherThe product raunch can be combined and graded according to the needs of users, manganese ore processing can be equippe d with auxiliary dust removal equipment for the protection of the env bidment. Manganese is relatively adequate resources of lean ore,Disseminated to a capacious number of high phosphate, high iron ore and beneficial symbiotic metal in manganese ore, causing great difficulties to the mineral extraction process. Manganese iron ore beneficiation methods to take ore wash and screening, magnetized time interval, gravity separation and flotation, and advance for enrichment, chemical processing method and other methods to complete the beneficiation process. Manganese iron ore beneficiation methods and equipments 1.Washing and screening process Ore washing process normally use these equipments ore washing sieve ,cylinder ore washing machine and trough washing machine, spiral sand washing machineWashing mine functioning and screening is generally carried out at the same time. 2. Gravity separation process This process is used for manganese ore sorting with dim-witted structure, disseminated coarser, such(prenominal) as density of oxide oreThe processes used commonly have monstrous media beneficiation,jigging beneficiation and shaking table beneficiation 3. Magnetic separation process amply intensity magnetic separation process use magnetic centrifuge to have magnetic separation operation to manganese ore powder,It has several features simple operation, easy to control, strong adaptation. 4.The heavy magnetic separation process The heavy magnetic separation process has magnetic separation operation to magnetic separator manganese ore powder again,by using a strong magnetic separator. 5. Flotation Flotation equipment mainly uses the chf inflatable flotation device goodish performance, efficiency has been greatly enhanced,it is very suitable for manganese beneficiation process. 6. Pyrometallurgical enrichment process(also cognise as manganese-rich slag) Pyrometallurgical enrichment method is simple, stable production, effective separation of the ore, iron , phosphorus, and get rich manganese, low iron, low phosphorus manganese-rich slag, this manganese-rich slag is a high eccentric manganese alloy materials.For more details on the production equipment of manganese ore, manganese ore stone crushing equipment, manganese ore grinding equipment information, please connexion us and leave your contact information, our sales staff or engineers depart get in touch with you as soon as possible. If the manganese ore crusher or manganese ore mill produced by us can non meet your needs, We entrust customize the manganese ore production line that locomote you according to your feeding, discharging, yield, hardness and specific material properties Please believe, Shanghai Zhongbo will bring you satisfactory products and good service. http//www. pe600. com wind mill http//www. mining-ss. com rotary kiln http//www. machine-ss. com ball mill manufacture

Thursday, February 21, 2019

In the Knight Kitchen Psychological Review Using Sigmund Freud’s Theories Essay

As per Sigmund Freud, dreams be the royal road to the unconscious. In this essay Im going to give an overview of Sigmund Freuds reputation theory in regards to the unconscious sagaciousness and how we express it in antithetic ways. With that, Ill be giving an interpretation of the allow, In the Night Kitchen by Maurice Sendak using Freuds views, as well as my own opinions, sequence relating the nippers dream to his unconscious. To start, Sigmund Freud, who was the founder of the psychoanalytical theory, believed that within the bodily structure of our mind, the unconscious was the largest portion.All of our deepest wishes, wants and pleasures were stored at the back of our mind. With that, he believed since most of our unconscious thoughts were rather disturbing or bad natured, the unconscious had to project itself in different matters. One of the ways it would do so would be done our dreams. Next, In the Night Kitchen is a childrens invention that was published in the seve nties. This disk is incredibly controversial, and for a good reason, because it shows a naked diminutive boy in a sm entirely section of the story. I, however, think this is a great book.It starts with rice paddy, the child in the story, falling into his dream. He move and go until he lands in his magical dreamland where all of the buildings and surroundings be bold, colorful and intriguing. He then ends up in the night kitchen. In the night kitchen there are three big and jolly bakers reservation a cake. They mistake Mickey for an ingredient and add him to the batter. Without realizing they throw him into the oven until he breaks free. He then builds an planing machine to find them some take out to cobblers last their cake, and he becomes the hero to his very own story.Further more, I believe this story has a greater meaning to it than just the words and pictures. Through Freuds eyes this book is non just about a child having a dream but it gives us insight to his deepest wishes, desires and fantasies. With Freuds theories Im going to explain how he would receive calln this story. Mickey, the child in the story, starts his dream by falling and falling, which is the first relatable sequence the author has presented us. Weve all had that feeling of falling at the beginning of our dreams.Mickey then falls into his dreamland, with giant buildings, all bold and beautiful in color. A more exciting and vibrant land wed choose to see in contrary to what we are forced to see in our everyday lives. He lands in a kitchen where three jolly, somewhat creepy bakers are in the middle of making a cake. Mickey is then seen wearing no clothes at all, which is where the controversy of the story takes place. This, however, does not disturb me at all. Children like to spend a lot of their time without their clothes on. Freud would generate just viewed this from a fixation theory perspective.I believe he would have thought that Mickey was in his phallic give, which i s the third stage in Freuds theory. In this stage, the childs erogenous geographical zone and primary focus are his genitals. This is also the stage in which children are learning and understanding the physical differences between males and females. Continuing through the story, everything we see in the kitchen is customized to Mickeys taste. For example, the flour is called Best Flour, and the oven is called, Mickey Oven. Hes created his own midget world in his mind, show his wish for power.Next, the bakers in the kitchen mistake Mickey for an ingredient and add him to the batter, soul-stirring and stirring they do not realize what theyve done until they stick him in the oven. Mickey then pops out screaming, Im not the milk, and the milks not me Realizing they need milk to finish their cake, Mickey starts constructing an airplane out of dough. For this part of the dream I believe Freud would have seen it as Mickey fulfilling a wish or desire, as most shortsighted boys do drea m of becoming pilots, however its not workable in their everyday lives, therefore he is dreaming it at night.Next, he flies up and over the kitchen, and into the milk bottle he retrieves milk for the recipe and brings it back to the bakers so they can finish their cake. Without the milk they would not have been able to finish by morning, therefore Mickey protected the night. Another example of a little boys desire for power and wish for heroism, not having it in his daily life, therefore its in his dream. Finally, the book finishes after Mickey rescues the evening, he is then returned to his close-fitting bed. I feel as though the author put a lot of psychological thought into the story before he wrote the book and for that reason Id recommend it.In conclusion, this book represents a decent portion of Freuds perspective on the unconscious mind and how its expressed through our dreams. The details in the story accent the creativity of the little boys mind. The actions of the littl e boy in the dream relate to examples in Freuds theories, such as the little boy flying the plane or bringing the milk to the bakers, Freud would have seen that as part of his unconscious wishes and desires. I would definitely read this book to my children, as it has a wonderful aspect of imagination and psychological creativity.