Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Public Perception Outside The Hospitality Industry

Once Debra stopped working at The Hawthorne Hotel, I think the public perception outside the hospitality industry would be sympathetic towards Debra. She has been a single parent for 17 years, raising her daughter by herself, and was told she had to work during her graduation, and was then essentially told she was not allowed to work there anymore because she went to her graduation anyway. Being â€Å"fired†, in the view of the public, for going to watch a huge achievement from your child will likely garner a lot of sympathy towards Debra and some outrage towards Hawthorne for their treatment of the situation. It would probably cause some outrage due to the fact that Debra followed all the appropriate steps to not work that day. She requested†¦show more content†¦For example, if a worker called out because she â€Å"didn’t feel like working today†, that seems to be their view of unacceptable excuses. However, it differs with Sara and other supervisors be cause they seem to be stricter on the issue. To them unacceptable excuses would be that they are available to work for whatever reason but will not. Debra’s situation is a good example; another is an employee not going to work because they do not have a babysitter for their child. Typically, parents have multiple babysitters on standby to be able to call as backups if needed, family members are also a good solution so for supervisors it would be understandable frustrating to not come into work because an employee made a mistake and did not prepare the proper day care for their child. Supervisors being a little stricter on unacceptable excuses seem warranted as the hotel’s time off system seems to be fair. A two weeks’ notice is not unreasonable and most businesses follow this requirement. Calling out four hours in advance is also not an unreasonable request. Supervisors need time to find a replacement to cover your shift, four hours is adequate time for a superv isor to do so before other employees start making other plans for the day. Also, chances are if you really are sick enough not to go to work, you would know four hours before your shift. In this situation, it seems veryShow MoreRelatedThe Four Season Of Hotel Management898 Words   |  4 Pagestransformed the hospitality industry by combining friendly and efficient service with the finest traditions of international hotel keeping. Therefore, redefining luxury for the modern traveler in the process. The company has been on many top lists including on the â€Å"100 Best Companies to Work For† by Fortune every year since it’s inception in 1998. Ranked #47 in 2015 largely to its low employee turnover rates. 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